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Overview | Possible Causes | Care and Treatment | HOME REMEDies | When to Call the Doctor | References



Jaundice is a term used to describe a yellowish tinge to the skin and the whites of the eye. Body fluids may also be yellow.

The color of the skin and whites of the eyes will vary depending on levels of bilirubin. Bilirubin is a waste material found in the blood. Moderate levels lead to a yellow color, while very high levels will appear brown.

Jaundice is more common in infants. However, jaundice can happen to people of all ages and is normally the result of an underlying condition. Jaundice normally indicates a problem with the liver or bile duct.

Possible Causes

Jaundice is a yellowing of the skin and the whites of eyes that happens when the body does not process bilirubin properly. This may be due to a problem in the liver. It is also known as icterus.

Bilirubin is a yellow-colored waste material that remains in the bloodstream after iron is removed from the blood.

The liver filters waste out from the blood. When bilirubin reaches the liver, other chemicals attach to it. A substance called conjugated bilirubin results.

The liver produces bile, a digestive juice. Conjugated bilirubin enters the bile, then it leaves the body. It is this type of bilirubin that gives feces its brown color.

If there is too much bilirubin, it can leak into the surrounding tissues. This is known as hyperbilirubinemia, and it causes the yellow color in the skin and eyes.

Care & Treatment

Treatment will depend on the underlying cause.

Jaundice treatment targets the cause rather than the jaundice symptoms.

The following treatments are used:

  • Anemia-induced jaundice may be treated by boosting the amount of iron in the blood by either taking iron supplements or eating more iron-rich foods. Iron supplements are available for purchase online.
  • Hepatitis-induced jaundice requires antiviral or steroid medications.
  • Doctors can treat obstruction-induced jaundice by surgically removing the obstruction.
  • If the jaundice has been caused by use of a medication, treatment for involves changing to an alternative medication.

Home Remedies

Since jaundice is a sign of liver or bile duct issue, it is best to first consult a doctor first before opting for any home remedy.

Jaundice is caused by a buildup of bilirubin in the blood. Its root cause determines, in part, how long it will take to clear out of your system. A healthy, well-balanced diet that supports liver health can help alleviate jaundice and prevent its recurrence.

If you have questions, talk to your doctor or dietitian. They can make specific recommendations about what you should eat and what you should avoid.

When to Call the Doctor

Jaundice needs to be evaluated by a doctor in every case, because it usually indicates a serious medical problem. You should contact your doctor so that you can arrange an urgent evaluation.

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