Obesity Surgery
How life has changed post Obesity Treatment
From being 140 kg to 80 kg my journey from being FAT to FIT.

All it takes is one incident to get you back to your senses, to make you aware and nudge you back towards your path. For me, this day came when I looked into the mirror and saw my oblique-obese future staring back at me.
Weighing 140 kg, I was a happy-go-lucky guy and I loved food! Needless to say, this love for food and lack of exercise was what resulted in me being overweight.
My reason to lose weight wasn’t just my size or the number on the weighing scale. It was also about a few medical conditions that I had. I was suffering from blood pressure and sleep disorder. I even found it difficult to walk for more than 10 minutes.
My wake-up call, as I like to call it, came when I realised I could barely move, was lethargic, unhappy, had trouble sleeping and difficulty breathing. It wasn’t all me—genetics played a huge role in this. My family history showed that we were always on the wrong side of the scale. My weight gain was so slow, that at first, I barely noticed it, that is until it became too late. And then I just had to do something about it.
And so started my visits to numerous dieticians but each one had a different solution but none of them were satisfactory. It always ended up the same way—I would lose a few kilograms and regain them just as quickly.
This got me to thinking and eventually steered me to the path that I finally chose—what is the science of weight loss? How does a body lose weight effectively? I consulted some of the notable doctors in the country and from there, my true journey to fitness began.
I would hit the gym four days a week, for about 90 minutes each day. For two days a week, I would concentrate on lower body exercises, mainly legs and for the remaining two days I would perform upper body workouts. This helped break down fat faster with an elevated EPOC (Excessive Post Oxygen Consumption) effect. I would also do shoulder and chest exercises.
Since I didn’t want to exert too much, I would perform some simple cardio exercises at the gym which my joints and ligaments could take. After my weight training session, I would do cardio for around 20-30 minutes. My cardio routine also involved a lot of walking. I began by walking 10 minutes a day. This was also because I was unable to walk beyond 10 minutes. So, gradually when I began losing weight, I increased my cardio to around 45 minutes to an hour a day. All this while, I didn’t give up my weight training regime.
At the beginning, I gradually began taking carbs out of my diet. While on diet, I did not follow a fixed routine of breakfast, lunch or dinner and would eat food whenever I felt hungry.
My daily meals included eggs, avocados, a little bit of cheese, or small quantities of almond flour and macadamia nuts, a lot of green leafy veggies—around five to six cups, occasionally I would also have whey protein supplements (the zero carbohydrate version) and some yogurt.
I am now 80 kg in just one year and living my best life. My journey to fitness has given me a lot to think about and I wish to help people realize that losing weight is not impossible with the right consultation and guidance.